Saturday, August 23, 2008

Conventionally Speaking

As the main point of contact with dozens of media vendors for our political clients, I have been bombarded with invites to the multitudes of over-the-top parties being thrown at both the democratic and republican national conventions. Top of the list is definitely the Google/Vanity Fair party in Denver next week. It’s shaping up to be the celeb filled must-attend event of the convention, even inching out Jennifer Lopez $500-a-head cover party and the always popular Recording Industry Association Of America suare (hosted this year by Kanye West). Needless to say , I’ve become insanely popular among my friends and colleagues who are headed to the conventions.

There definitely seems to be a drastic difference between the events taking place in Denver next week and the events planned for the Republicans in Minneapolis. It’s really no surprise as the Dems typically heap loads of support from Hollywood and the entertainment industry and everyone knows those guys really know how to throw a party. I’m sending my Assistant Media Director to Denver to soak up the atmosphere and report back in full. He shared a portion of his itinerary with me and it definitely looks lush. I’m all kinds of jealous.

I am heading to the Republican convention for some bow-tied Fox hob-nobbing events and to attend the Google party there. Sure the celeb sightings may be limited to Tom Selleck and Bruce Willis, but you know the booze and overwhelming guilt for the last 8 years will make for an interesting evening. Google usually knows how to lighten the mood.

The Republicans nasty not-so-secret: Reports of multitudes of gay escorts descending on Minn/ST. Paul area for the week of the convention. They certainly know where their bread is buttered.

Leaves me wondering…… What Would Jesus Do? hmmmm.

1 comment:

StratoCade said...

Looks like the Dems will be sexing it up as well: