Thursday, March 30, 2006

It's Everywhere You Wanna Be

Access to the National Geographic Archives: $5.00

Membership Fee For The Young Republicans Club of Greater DC: $25.00

A Presidential motorcade 20 feet below your hotel window: Priceless

Mr Bush ignored the impending real estate bubble and spoke to the National Association of Mortgage Brokers at my Hotel on Wednesday. My room window happened to be directly above all the commotion. I had a great time panicking the secret service staff that were posted on the rooftops of all the adjacent buildings while I stood at my window. The scary thing is, im sure they already knew all about me.

Its back to Austin tomorrow for me and not nearly soon enough! I have about 300 hours of Tivo to watch, an overstuffed mailbox and a potential biohazzard awaiting me in my refridgerator.


the doc said...

Any Tivo in Costa Rica? Any English TV in Costa Rica? Mail takes a month.

Anonymous said...

I see them all the time living in DC. What pisses me off is when Dick comes up Connecticut Ave during rush hour everything is closed.

Also when you took the picture did you notice the sniper locked on you. They are usually position on the top of the roofs near the place the P will be.

Anonymous said...

You are also correct about them knowing everything about you. They run a back ground check on everyone in the surrounding hotels. If you were on the ground, you would have seen the FBI and the S Service taking photos of people in the crowd. When CAFTA representatives were meeting in the hotel across from my office I wanted to read their literature. I quickly grab it while the Agent was reloading or fixing his camera and said don't you dare take my photo. I hope he did not, but if he did I would have my friend take care of it.