Monday, February 27, 2006

It Aint Braggin' If It's True....

Nowhere is politicking more alive and well than in right here in the Republic of Texas. Every election cycle I am amazed at the cast of characters who decide to throw their hat in the ring and expose their crazy lifestyles to the general public in pursuit of public office. This year is no different.

Theres the "Keep Austin wired" poster Child Kinky Friedman, who's running on an anti-big Texas money, special interest, "Why The Hell Not" campaign. Education, healthcare and Renewable energy are his core issues. He's hoping those will keep people occupied enough to look past the fact that for the last 30 years he has been living a rock and roll, smoke everything that's not nailed to the floor, boozing lifestyle. A lifestyle far from what any intelligent human being would consider mainstream and socially responsible. The kinky petitioners came to my door the other night and I gladly signed it. He's as eager to debate the current governor as I am to see it happen front row center.

Then there's the gay, ex-male prostitute, born again Christian turned Mary Kay cosmetics Salesman (quadruple whammy), Tom Malin (AKA Todd Sharpe), who's running as a democrat for the State Senate in Dallas. Ill have to give him some credit, he realizes there are too many naked photos and "performance reviews" floating around out there for him to avoid talking about his ILLEGAL, DEMORALIZING, pitiful past. So he attacks it up front with loads of apologizing, some hail marys, and of course a praise Jesus halleleuiah amen thrown in for effect. If he thinks the 5th generation Texan, Highland Park junior Leaguers are going to forget that he was pulling down $600 an hour to take care of their husbands "needs" while they were away for the weekend with the girls, he's probably got another thing coming. Im not sure which was worse, male prostilatizing or driving one of Mary Kay pink Cadillac's, atleast he's good looking.

From the "republican midget" who ran for mayor in Houston to the transvestite homeless crossdresser, "Leslie", who ran for the same office here in austin, Texans really seem to come out of the woodwork around election time. Sure, this isn't the first time crazy people have run for political office in this country, but this is Texas; The ye-haw'lin, "you aint right", hang em high capital of the US. Hats off to these people for putting themselves out there despite the imminent asskicking they've got comin' their way. God I love this state!


Kelicious said...

I miss Ann Already

Anonymous said...

I think Willie Nelson should be Governor. We need some image improvement outside of our state.

the doc said...

"Keep Austin wierd"? It seems all of Texas is wierd.