Sunday, February 19, 2006

Hey, I'm E-Speaking to you!!

I’m souring a new technology at work to help fix a massive “how could this have happened” hole in our Marketing cycle. I had a series of conference calls on Friday with some perspective vendors and one in particular really caught my attention. The sales girl, Ali, clearly a product of the internet generation, used the term “thought capital” like 8 times during her preso. For those of you who have no idea what this means, I’ll define it for you here:

Thought Capital: A completely made-up web economy term used to describe a companies collective experience and expertise in a certain subject.

The first few times I heard her say it, I let it go; but as she continually used it, I began to realize that she wanted to emphasize that her company clearly the stood out because of the impressive “thought capital” they could bring to the table. Naturally, I’m thinking… When did a company’s ability to provide its clients with the most comprehensive service based on years of experience and expertise become a value proposition worthy of multiple mentions during the sales pitch? Haven’t we always relied on companies to provide that level of service? Are there companies out there that don’t invest in “thought capital”, and if so, are their services cheaper? I need to know these things.

You hear all sorts of talk about the “new economy” often called the “web economy”. It’s been my observation that it’s the same economy we’ve always had, with the exception of 2 things. 1. The Internet. 2. Ridiculous, terminology that confuses everyone within earshot.

So if you’ve got an important, “impress the boss” presentation coming up I strongly urge you to visit THIS SITE. You’ll certainly be invited for cigars and cognac after you explain the benefits of incubating best-of-breed infomediaries in an effort to further monetize the company’s current revenue streams. Now thats an action item I strongly suggest you envisioneer.

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