Friday, February 06, 2009

The Kids Got it.

I admire Forrest in many ways but his work ethic really shines the brightest. Unlike many people his age (or mine) he works consistently not only to keep his head above the rising financial waterline but to prepare himself for a completely debt free, well financed future. Not only does he have a 9-to-5 career level job, he also works 30+ hours a week slinging flora and fauna at Lowes outdoor, something he has a real passion for. The most amazing part, I rarely (if ever) hear him complain about his jobs. In fact, he loves them both, even on the 16+ hour days, and he continues to rack up “gold stars” from all of his employers for jobs (more than) well done.

I don’t know many 25 year olds who were “anxious” to start contributing to their 401K’s at the highest level or who have less than a small car’s worth of debt to their name, but Forrest remains a shining example of responsibility in both those areas. I have told him many times that he is a rare breed and his exercising such responsibility will position him well for whatever life throws at him.

I’m embarrassed to say that I did not start contributing to my 401K until I was 30 and even then it was in menial doses, and god knows my debt load was much higher. I am proud to say that I am now 100% debt free, a homeowner and feel much better about my position on the dollar trail to retirement. I must say that witnessing Forrest’s hard work and determination makes me appreciate the financial freedoms I enjoy that much more. The best part is, I get to share them with someone who appreciates them just the same, but who would be just as happy eating beans from can on the wrong side of the tracks.

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