Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Evening The Score

My Coal client was recently denied by a small outdoor-focused publication in Asheville North Carolina. “We don’t support the coal-fired energy industry” they claimed, “we won’t run your advertising”. They remained hard lined even after I sent them an email explaining that 80% of Asheville’s electricity comes from Coal-fired power plants. They replied by sending me a photo of a windmill. I didn’t bother with a rebuttal..One windmill will hardly generate enough power to run a hairdryer and besides I'm sure the greater Asheville Tourism Council wouldn’t take kindly to windmill covered mountains as far as the eye could see.

I was surprised to get an email from this publication today offering to “Assist” me in finding other sites in the area for a finder’s fee. They have even changed their mind and agreed to run some limited advertising on their own site. I guess it’s a complete coincidence that they had a change of heart exactly one day after an article ran in their local paper about the millions of dollars in energy advertising that’s being spent in their area for the election and the laundry list of their competitor’s sites that are accepting the ads.

I won’t buy from them out of principle now. I hope the owner stews in his own self righteousness while he watches his friends and neighbors enjoy the hundreds of thousands of dollars in ad revenue he threw away on some false “principle”.

The Score:
1 Coal
0 Flip-Flopper Environmentalists

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