Monday, March 10, 2008

Pride & Prejudice

More white trash babble about a “homosexual agenda”. This time from some trailer dwelling-mullet-turned-state rep in Oklahoma. She’s now defending herself by saying that her thoughts were rooted in and justified by her Christian beliefs. If I were in her position, I’d probably blame my ignorance-made-public on some ancient, unverifiable text too.

I’m still trying to get my hands on that “homosexual agenda”. There a few items I’d like to put on the list:

1.Shut down all Wal-Marts
2.Outlaw fanny packs and pleated denim
3.Remove Hunter Green from the color palate.
4.Ban Wallpaper, fish tanks and wet bars forever
5.Require that all 8th graders watch and memorize ‘Mommie Dearest’ from start to finish.

In the meantime, someone needs to soak this bitch’s tampons in gasoline and light her on fire.


Anonymous said...

She looks like she knows her way around another womans ladybits...that and a high school girls locker room. Self loathing anyone?

the doc said...

To quote a gay man whom I love, yes love, admire, and respect: "Why would anyone choose to be gay?"

It's not a choice.

In my humble opinion, being gay is not incompatible with being a Christian. Christianity is all about love.

But, certain "Christians" exhibit a "holier than thou are" position, assuming they have a direct line to Christ. Actually, they exhibit the attitudes of the biblical Pharisees that Christ condemned in his teachings of love.

And we Christians wonder why our message is not being heeded in today’s world. It is, again in my humble opinion, because so many outspoken Christians have corrupted the message of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. The message of love.

A homosexual agenda? Please. Read the Bible. Listen to the message of Jesus. Love your neighbor as yourself.

I am not a homosexual, but my heterosexuality was not a choice on my part. It is just who I am. If I were gay, I know that I could believe the truth, that is, “Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so”.