Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Nappy Beheading

I wish minority groups in this country would stop looking for reasons to be offended and focus their energies on fixing the obvious problems within their own communities.

The black community continues to deliver mixed messages about hate speech. They seem to expect the rest of the world to adhere to their standards of acceptable speech but seem to do nothing to stop their own use of the very same words within their community and outward through the media and entertainment.

I feel the same way about the gay community. We often encourage altered-over-the-top gay behavior within our community walls, yet we get very upset when we are judged or stereotyped by those behaviors outside in the straight ‘world’.

You can’t have it both ways. If you’re offended by the word nigger, then stop using it, stop buying albums that contain that word and start acting within your community to put a kibosh on the use of it.

If you don’t want to be type cast as a drag queen or effeminate queer, then stop stuffing dollars down drag queen’s dresses at the gay bars and refrain from referring to your best friends as “girls”.

There’s nothing I hate more than a good old fashioned double standard; and minority groups are full of them. Pushing a political agenda during ‘opportune’ times is a pathetic kick-em-when-they’re-down strategy that shows serious lack of leadership and direction.

Im not offended by anything really. I learned long ago not to empower idiots who spew low-brow comments by getting upset over them. I refuse to help accomplish their mission.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Stop being a nappy head ho!! Now, Roseanne Arnold/Barr is in trouble for stereotyping gays as selfish. That's right, she said in her comedy routine that gays only care about issues about themselves and not issues such as minimum wage. I hate stereotypes, but I was also thinking of the same thing this weekend to the point of getting in arguments with people.

Last time I checked the Rev. "Hymie Town" and "All Greeks are Gay" need to look at themselves.

On top of that I can not believe I have to go to Texas in the middle of fing summer with all the gun carrying, tobacco chewing rednecks. I hope they have indoor plumbing!! This WOP hates the humidity of Texas.