Tuesday, February 14, 2006

What Could it Be?

I'm keeping a secret that's killing me. I have come to the conclusion that it's much easier not to tell anyone about it until it actually happens rather than blurt it out and potentially disrupt the cosmic line-up im convinced that's required to bring it to fruition. Right now the probability meter is at about 85%. It's pretty big, atleast for me. It will effect my fiends and family in a good way (I think). There are things about it that are beneficial to everyone I know actually. It also comes with some risk which is scary. Clearly i've never backed down from a challenge, and I don't plan on starting to now.

I've learned that people in general fall into 2 categories. Risk takers and Non-risk takers. While there are things about my personality that put me in both groups, I think most who know me would agree that I tend to throw my hat into the ring even when the risks are high. Being single again (and older) has renewed my sense of adventure and IM finding that IM actually looking for exciting opportunities more than ever before.

It kinda sucks being a risk taker too. You are consistently driven to try new things which can completely erase your foundation. There are things about feeling grounded that are comforting. Familiarity, relationships come easier, social benefits, etc... But on the flip side, I know too many people who consistently complain to me about their "shitty" same-ol existences. The benefits of Grabbing life by the horns and trying new things are far reaching and I strongly recommend it to you homebodys who are suffering in silent desperation.

Peoples lives are different today than they were 20 years ago. Advancements in technology, travel and media have given us the ability to to see, experience and do more than ever before. Dynamic experiences are being delivered into our homes through enhanced television technology, internet and new media. I think this has positively affected peoples willingess to step outside of their comfort zones and try new things. We can perform all sorts of real-time due diligence before jumping off the diving board. This helps us all more comfortably step into the unknown.

Onward and Ever On!


Kelicious said...

GIRL! You better spill!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, uh-uh-oh-no-no-no-no-HELL-no... No secrets from me!

Oh, and BTW, you should really become a consultant. If an Accenture recriuter saw that paragraph, he'd hire you on the spot...