Sunday, September 23, 2007

Keeping up with the Joneses

So RS and I accomplished another item on the list of 1000 Gay things you must do before you die on Friday night. We bought $10 dollar tickets to the Shirley Jones concert and retrospective at the Riverbend Church Center here in A-town.. I must admit, I knew next to nothing about the woman before going in, but was pleasantly surprised by her repertoire. Sure she donned the world’s ugliest haircut and matriarched the partridge family back in the 70’s, but long before that her career was chocked full of theatre, musicals, movies not to mention years of terrible personal style and wardrobe choices. Friday was no exception. Her drag-inspired sequined disaster dresses and grandma singing voice begged that question “who told her this was a good idea?” But the ‘Oklahoma’ and ‘Music Man’ tunes towards the end made it all worth our while. I think even armchair quarterbacks would admit that the Music Man is one of the best movie musicals ever written.

Shirley brought the pews down and had the crowd screaming halleluiah Jesus and im glad I was there to witness the bedazzled miracle first hand. Not many left like her.

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