Sunday, May 14, 2006

Hairy Situation

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Like “Snakes on a Plane”, I had tarantulas in my house today. They were as big as my hand and they kept me prisoner in my bedroom for over 2 hours. I opened my bedroom door to find 2 of them waiting for me, like 2 choreographed demons from Hell. I screamed (I can admit it) slammed the door and immediately called the US for moral support. I somehow managed to navigate past them, ran upstairs and grabbed the can of scorpion spray (poison = my friend). After about an hour of strategic positioning, I got close enough to empty the can on one of the spiders. It literally made a devil hissing sound as it slowly curled up and died. The others have now hidden themselves somewhere in my house and are plotting their revenge. Needless to say, I grabbed some clothes, my deodorant and bolted out the door and I’ve checked myself into a hotel. I will stay here until those bastard tarantulas are found and killed or my credit card maxes out and I get kicked out, whichever comes first.

For those of you who are wondering; This is officially my “Oh Shit” moment. That point in time when I realize that I have moved to a third world country, where Tarantulas make house calls and my ability to call for help is stifled by a serious language barrier.


the doc said...

ARACHNOPHOBIA...It's not just a movie, it's alive and well in Costa Rica.

Sent Jason M the following trying to settle him down:

Holy Spiderman! People keep tarantulas for pets! How bad could they be?

Needless to say, Jason M was not reassured. He bolted to a hotel (which probably has it's own colony of pets).

He mentioned that he grabbed "some clothes". I hope that included underwear. Because after his experience yesterday, one thing he will definitely need is a clean pair of drawers.

StratoCade said...

You're a bigger man than I am. I would've likely checked myself into a flight bound for one of the G8.

Tarantulas. Good Luck with that.

the doc said...

I think I would trade our hosts of fire ants for a couple of pet tarantulas.

Anonymous said...

And I spent my time in Germany complaining about the flies in my apartment, because they don't make bug screens in Europe. Yikes. I guess Costa Rica isn't all luxury livin' and Latin lovers. Time to turn your shoes upside down before you put them on.

Anonymous said...

Why is it that the jungle areas have the worst bugs, rodents, and pests?

Bryan, when I first studied over in Europe that is one of the things I notice was no screens on the windows. On a hot October day in a humid Frienze, we had to have the windows open because no air condition in the hotel. I could not put on any blankets because I was already sweating. As I told my friend to shut the lights off, I could see the suckers on the ceiling getting ready to suck my sweet blood. Lets, just say European Mosequteers are worst than their American counter parts.

Eye Que said...

anonymous comments rock!! Dont you think.

Dan said...

The last scene of "Girls Will Be Girls" when Varla Jean talks about her screen test for a new action movie, "TARANTULAS!"

Dan said...

The last scene of "Girls Will Be Girls" when Varla Jean talks about her screen test for a new action movie, "TARANTULAS!"

Dan said...

The last scene of "Girls Will Be Girls" when Varla Jean talks about her screen test for a new action movie, "TARANTULAS!"

Dan said...

The last scene of "Girls Will Be Girls" when Varla Jean talks about her screen test for a new action movie, "TARANTULAS!"