Sunday, June 15, 2008

Doth I Protest.....

George and Laura Bush are on their final European Tour (ie taxpayers sponsored vacation) and stopped here in London this weekend and the locals are super excited about it.

Evidently George has "diarrhea"? or is a "Terrorista"...(is that like fashonista?) Whatever these protesters are saying, they did it very loudly right in my ear. Needless to say, I kept my mouth shut as I browsed the crowd even when I saw a sign that said George Bush is spreading AIDS in Africa. How the hell did that get in the mix?

1 comment:

Leesa said...

You know, protests in the British Isles are just not what they used to be. Where is the rioting? The Bobbies with their billyclubs? Snipers on rooftops? Have molotov cocktails gone the way of the past? Was no one dragged by their scruff to the Tower? Where is the spectacle! In my day, we didn't have time to hand paint signs or don a backpack. Alas, still more exciting than Jacksonville.