Friday, October 12, 2007

Believe it or not...

this is for The Doc... He'll know why...


Anonymous said...


the doc said...

Thanks. I had heard that song many times before. But, for obvious reasons, I never realized it was the "national anthem" of drag queens. In fact, until my recent crash course by JM and CR, I did not know the correct nomenclature or definitions of persons who adopt the persona and/or dress of the opposite sex. I was taught there are drag queens, cross dressers, transsexuals, and maybe others, that cannot and should not be all lumped together under one heading. I still do not have it straight (pardon the pun), but I'm still learning.

I have adopted the philosophy of "whatever floats your boat". Life is to short to do otherwise. God bless you all.

I still like the song.

Anonymous said...

haha, but what a minute, doc. I haven't even adopted the "whatever floats your boat" philosophy!!

Anonymous said...

How strange. This weekend, I attended a "Backyard Drag" party, where drag performers of the best mocking variety performed. We had an audience sing-a-long and this was one of the most popular ones. Also, I loved this song as a young, gay lad.