Sunday, March 05, 2006

Another day in the Banana Republic.

Drove Back from Jaco Beach today. I personally found a new religion during the death spiral drive through the mountains. We decided that the totally inadequate windy mountain roads weren't deadly enough so we stopped by and risked our lives walking on a highway overpass (with little to no sidewalk) to check out some 13 ft Crocodiles that have been known to eat cows and small children.

Estupido Gringos!

Not sure which would be worse, getting hit by a Costa Rican crazy driver or falling over the overpass into the mouths of the underfed, spring-jawed crocks. Either way, my life was hanging in a delicate deadly balance. Just the way I like it.


Checked back into our hotel in San Jose and headed to dinner at an old monastery-turned-high priced-eatery Le Monastere' , Which was beyond fabulous. The 40 ft neon cross on the deck is just tacky enough to belong in South America, and the view was worth the 350,000 colon final bill.

Praise Jesus!

'The View' sans Satrr Jones

1 comment:

the doc said...

Didn't you use to work for Banana Republic?